We just want to take a moment to say thank you !
We have had a ball over the last 18 months spending almost every day searching for the very best headwear we can possibly get our hands-on to show you guys. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes and having you guys enjoy the content we put out there makes it all worthwhile.
To say thank you we placed a priority on following everyone back on our socials, which we can no longer do as Instagram limits you to following 7500 people. We focused on having reasonable pricing, great customer service, and collaborating with other stores and pages who you could say are the "competition". We consistently tried to say thank you by doing giveaways and fundraisers, small things you might not have noticed where we have tried to make your experience in dealing with us a little bit more pleasant.
The support we received with the launch of our website this past week and the release of the Filthy Finds Originals was crazy. To have all 3 designs completely sell out in just under 4 hours, and to receive all the positive feedback you guys hit us up with on our social media and email, that was amazing.
Thank you everyone again for the ongoing support, we really appreciate it. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to share something we have a great passion for, with you all, it means the world. As long as you guys will have us, we plan to be here continuing to do what we do. Thank you a thousand times over.
Much Love,
Filthy Finds